The premier online resource for therapists at all experience levels and individuals struggling with emetophobia

Anxiety disorders are common conditions estimated to affect 28% of the population. Within anxiety disorders, more than 387 million people in the world suffer from emetophobia. One hundred ninety-five million more than those who suffer from the fear of flying. 118 million more than those who fear spiders. Emetophobia affects approximately 2% of men and 7% of women at some point in their lifetimes.

Emetophobia is notably the most common and yet significantly underdiscussed anxiety disorder, leading to considerable distress and impairment in daily life.


Attendee Testimonials

“Thank you so much for providing a space to talk about this! I have felt so much shame, isolation, and discouragement, and this workshop helped start breaking down some of the shame and give me hope for improvement!”

— Past attendee of Understand and Cure Your Emetophobia workshop
“Sometimes I feel absolutely crazy and seeing and hearing others gave me more encouragement to try to recover because so many others have had success!”

— Past attendee of Understand and Cure Your Emetophobia workshop

Gag Reflection Reader Reviews

“Literally in tears because it made me feel seen and made me hopeful for recovery. If you have EVER struggled with feeling alone with this phobia, check this book out. The honesty in Dara’s disclosures, paired with Dr. Yusko’s professional guidance, makes this the most unique book I’ve ever read.”
— Gag Reflections Reader
“I loved this book! I found myself laughing out loud and tearing up. Thank you Dara Lovitz and Dr. Yusko!!”
— Gag Reflections Reader
“Yusko is an expert in the field of phobias and exposure therapy and anything he writes or contributes to, I’d buy. Dara is transparent, vulnerable, determined, and witty. Just buy the book.”
— Gag Reflections Reader
“I decided to seek treatment for my Emetophobia and this book has been a tremendous resource.”
— Gag Reflections Reader

Our courses


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Understand and Cure Your Emetophobia

See below for descriptions on each part of this 3-part workshop series.

Part 1

This workshop will help emetophobes and/or their loved ones understand the whats, whys, and hows of their phobia as well as how to treat it. Taught by a psychologist with experience helping emetophobes achieve recovery as well as a former emetophobe. No CEU. You can take Part 1 on either of the following dates.

Friday, February 7th, 2025, 12 pm- 2 pm Eastern Time


Part 2

This 2-hour workshop is for emetophobes who attended Part 1 of our Understand and Cure Your Emetophobia series. In this part, we help with the next steps: finding a therapist, understanding exposure therapy concepts, creating an exposure  hierarchy, strategies for implementing your first exposures from the hierarchy, identifying safety behaviors, developing a plan for safety behavior elimination, etc. No CEU. You can take Part 2 on either of the following dates.

Friday, March 7th, 2025, 1pm- 3pm Eastern Time


Part 3

This 1-hour workshop is for recovered emetophobes or emetophobes who feel near recovery (by a measurement of at least 80% recovered). In this part, recovered emetophobe Dara Lovitz teaches how an emetophobe can prevent relapsing back into the phobia and how to maintain a strong and consistent state of recovery. You’ll learn the practical tips and strategies that will help you achieve a future completely free from emetophobia. No CEU. You can take Part 3 on any of the following dates.

Friday, May 16, 2025; 12pm- 1pm Eastern Time


Friday, February 28, 2025

1pm- 5pm Eastern Time

This 4-hour introductory workshop is designed for any type of therapist (LPC, MFT, LCSW, PsyD, PhD, MD) who has little to no training or experience using exposure therapy techniques with their clients. Dr. David Yusko will explore how to identify emetophobia and distinguish it from other similar disorders, the key concepts of Emotional Processing Theory and Inhibitory Learning, and how to harness CBT/ERP therapy to help your client overcome emetophobia. In addition to the exploration of these therapeutic strategies, you will hear firsthand from an emetophobic client, Dara Lovitz, about her experience living with this debilitating disorder and how her course of therapy brought her to recovery.
3.5 CEU

The purpose of our workshops is to provide comprehensive training on specialized treatment and disorders. Therefore, we expect participants to plan to attend for the full workshop duration. CEU hours are only supplied to participants who attend the whole workshop. 


Friday, June 6th, 2025; 1-5pm Eastern

This 4-hour advanced workshop is designed for therapists who have already been utilizing the powerful technique of exposure therapy and are looking to extend that skill to emetophobic clients. It is essential that therapists signing up for this course already have a working knowledge of emotional processing theory, inhibitory learning theory, and hands-on experience using exposure-based therapies. In this course, Dr. David Yusko, a psychologist with comprehensive CBT/ERP experience and training, as well as an emetophobic client, Dara Lovitz, will examine the advanced techniques for eradicating emetophobia.
3.5 CEU

The purpose of our workshops is to provide comprehensive training on specialized treatment and disorders. Therefore, we expect participants to plan to attend for the full workshop duration. CEU hours are only supplied to participants who attend the whole workshop. 

Registration Deadline:
Online registration will close when the workshop reaches maximum capacity, so early registration is strongly encouraged. If the workshop is not completely filled, online registration will close  24 hours prior to the start of the workshop. Registration after this deadline may be possible, but must be directly coordinated with our staff. If you are interested in registering after the online deadline has closed, please inquire at

Cancellation Policy:

  • The cancellation deadline is 2 weeks prior to the start date of the workshop.

  • Registered attendees that request to cancel before the cancellation deadline will be refunded the full cost of their registration, less a processing fee determined by Stripe. 

  • Registered attendees that request to cancel after the cancellation deadline will be refunded 50% of their registration, less the processing fee determined by Stripe.

  • Refunds cannot be issued for cancellations made less than 2 days prior to the start of the workshop. 

  • You can receive full monetary credit towards another CABT workshop(s) at any point of cancellation.

    If you would like to cancel, please email

Please note, registration is not complete and attendance is not guaranteed until payment is received in full.

For questions or more information, feel free to contact us at (610) 455-5757 or

The Center for Anxiety and Behavior Therapy is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology and the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors to offer continuing education for social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors. The Center for Anxiety and Behavior Therapy maintains responsibility for the program(s).