Demystifying Therapy: What Should I Expect for my first CBT Session?

Embarking on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) marks a significant step towards personal growth and mental wellness. There can often be numerous barriers to finding the right care, let alone finding the time and motivation to devote to this (worthwhile!) process. This therapy, grounded in evidence-based practice, offers a more structured approach to identifying and altering unhelpful patterns that influence emotions, thoughts, and behavior. As you prepare for your first CBT session, it's natural to have questions and feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. This comprehensive guide is designed to demystify the process, providing you with a clear understanding of what to expect and how these sessions can pave the way for meaningful change. Whether you're seeking to overcome challenges or improve your overall mental health, the journey through CBT begins with a single, transformative step into your first session.

Preparing for your first CBT session

What should I bring to my first CBT session?

It's helpful to come prepared with a notebook and pen for jotting down important points or questions you might have. Our therapists make good use of informational handouts and other collaborative materials, so bringing a therapy folder is also a good idea to keep your materials organized in one place. Bringing any relevant medical or therapy records can also aid your therapist in understanding your history. It can be helpful to bring old therapy materials such as past exposure hierarchies, thought logs, or treatment plans. While your therapist will tailor your therapy to your current situation, we like to know what was helpful, or not helpful, in previous treatment. Besides these, it is important to be mentally prepared for your first session and bring your willingness. This mental preparation involves being open and willing to discuss personal and often difficult topics with your therapist. It's normal to feel nervous, but remember, this is a step toward your well-being. Of course, we know that building our alliance and your trust in us takes time, so you will never be forced to discuss something for which you are not ready.

What should I expect for my first CBT session?

How is a typical CBT session structured?

A typical CBT session usually starts with setting an agenda. A hallmark of CBT is that every session is collaborative, and this starts with aligning on what topics we will be addressing in each session. The first session is no exception! You will likely have questions about us, the treatment, diagnoses, and more. Our goal is to answer those questions and continue demystifying the therapy process and your challenges. After setting an agenda, we will work through our agenda items and then end with assigning therapy homework. For your first session, this will likely include some reading of informational handouts as well as beginning to self-monitor your symptoms and experiences between sessions. In later sessions, several minutes of the session will be devoted to reviewing what was worked on in the time between sessions.

What kind of topics will be discussed in my first session?

While the specific agenda items will be dictated by your needs at the the time, usually your therapist will be prepared with agenda items of their own. At CABT, we believe that in order to demystify therapy, all initial sessions should contain time devoted to psychoeducation and the delivery of rationale for treatment.

What is psychoeducation and rationale for treatment?

Psychoeducation in therapy is like giving clients a roadmap to understand their mental health better. It's all about teaching you what's going on in your mind, what you might expect from your condition, and how you can handle it effectively. This part of therapy helps clear up confusion and makes sure you know you’re not alone in your journey. It breaks down the big, unknown concepts into manageable pieces, making it easier for you to get involved in your own healing process. By learning more about your mental health, you can feel more in control, less worried, and more ready to tackle your challenges head-on.

The "rationale for treatment" process in therapy is like sitting down with your therapist and getting the inside scoop on how your therapy is going to work. Imagine you're planning a trip, and your therapist is showing you the map, explaining why you're taking certain routes, and what you can expect along the way. This part of therapy is about making sure you understand the "why" behind the treatment you're getting. It's like your therapist is saying, "Here's what we're going to do, here's why we're doing it, and here's how it's going to help you." This helps you feel more involved and confident about the therapy process because you know what the game plan is and how it's specifically designed to help you feel better. Further, this helps you become your own therapist! We don’t believe therapy should last forever. In fact, our goal is to get you out of therapy! We are looking for our clients to say “I don’t need you anymore - I got this!” For you to maintain your gains after therapy, you need to know how to tackle the challenges life will throw at you. Good rationale helps you spot these challenges and know what you need to do to conquer them. For more information on how to maintain therapy gains, check out our blog post on the topic here!

Diving into cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a big step toward a happier, healthier you. We've covered everything from what to bring to your first session to how it all works, aiming to clear up any worries and get you ready for the journey ahead. Remember, starting CBT is all about making positive changes and understanding how to manage your thoughts, behaviors and emotions better. If you're feeling ready to take this step and want expert guidance along the way, we're here to help. Reach out to us to book your first CBT session and begin your journey toward a more fulfilling life today.

Posted on February 11, 2024 .